Vendor Edit

Need to edit your listing or are you new to the market and need a new listing? Start here.
Flint Farmers Market

Flint Farmers’ Market vendor information edit page.

The more information you give us for your business the better. Please fill out the form, ensure everything is correct and send it directly to the market web development team.

Vendor Edit Form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
The exact name of your business that will appear on the web site.
Your corporate email address for public contact. If you do not want to include a email address, leave blank.
All vendors are required to have a contact phone number published on the web site.
Please provide web site domain address (i.e. Leave blank if you d o not have a web site for your business. Social media accounts are not business web sites. You will be asked for social media accounts below.
Please add any and all regularly maintained social media accounts.
Please describe your business in several paragraphs.


Please use a service like DropBox or Google Drive to send photos to our team. You can send all photos directly to Make sure to include your business name in the subject of the email. Images should be no less than 800px wide. We will optimize your photos for the website.